City of Bathurst and its Firefighters ratify collective agreement

The City of Bathurst and the Bathurst Professional Firefighters Association (IAFF Local 5283) ratified a new collective agreement. This agreement, which is retroactive to January 1, 2024 and expires on December 31, 2027, continues to reflect a collaborative approach in establishing new collective agreements.
“We are happy to renew our collective agreement with our Firefighters. This agreement continues to represent the positive relationship between both parties and our common goal towards the quality and the responsible approach in serving citizens, all while ensuring a positive, productive, and inclusive workplace. We thank the negotiating committee members for their partnership in the process”, said Mayor Kim Chamberlain.
The four-year collective agreement, retroactive to January 1, 2024, includes wage increases linked to New Brunswick’s inflation, along with a Protective Service Premium and increased staffing operations. It also includes Medical First Responder certification and updated language that reflects inclusive values shared by both parties.
“We’re happy with this new agreement, one that aligns with comparative Fire Departments. It allows us to maintain a minimum staffing complement at each station. We’re thankful for the process that allowed us to once again enhance our working capabilities”, said IAFF Local 5283 President Greg West.
Sitting: André Lebel (IAFF 5283 Recording Secretary), Greg West (IAFF 5283 President), Mayor Kim Chamberlain, Sarah Morton (Director of Human Resources).
Standing: Adam Gallagher (IAFF 5283 Treasurer), Mathew Scott (IAFF 5283 Vice-President), Danny Boucher (Fire Chief), Dustin Aubé (Deputy Fire Chief), Luís Brito (Human Resources Operations Supervisor), Amy-Lynn Parker (City Clerk).