ST. ANNE BOOSTER STATION — Week of April 29, 2024

The activation of the St. Anne booster station is reaching its final activation stages.
On Monday April 29, crews will be turning on the first pump at the new booster station located in front of the K.C. Irving Regional Centre.
This may provide a slight initial increase in pressure for some residents of the zone highlighted in green.
Clients in the highlighted area can also expect gradual pressure increase over the following 24 hours as crews carefully monitor and continue the activation process; this, until the station is running at intended capacity. We are planning to complete this full activation on April 30.
As always, please be aware that any sudden pressure changes within a system can create water discoloration.
If this were to happen, affected residents / businesses should contact City Hall to report the issue. Affected customers are advised to refrain from washing laundry and to periodically check the water quality by running COLD WATER for 10-15 minutes to verify if the water has cleared up.
We thank you for patience and cooperation during this process.