February 29, 2024
A note about Day 4 (March 1, 2024): Due to the cold weather, further flushing operations have been postponed.
This week, the City of Bathurst's Public Works crews are conducting a routine preventative maintenance program involving hydrant flushing.
** Please note: these are revised plans for Day 3 **
On February 29, crews will be returning to the zones highlighted in YELLOW with the number 3.
The key areas targeted today are: Bridge, Bayview, Roy, and Ord in East Bathurst. St. Theresa and Aubie in South Bathurst.
Affected residents / businesses in the area are advised to refrain from washing laundry and to periodically check their water quality by running COLD WATER for 10-15 minutes to verify if the water has cleared up.
Revised plans for Day #4 (March 1st) will be communicated shortly. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work to maintain a safe and reliable water supply for our community.