Water & Sewer invoice payments during the Canada Post strike

November 27, 2024
A Canada Post Strike is impacting mail delivery.
Water & Sewer invoice payments are still due on time. With the monthly flat rate, the amount due in December is the same as the previous month.
Avoid late fees by using the following payment options:
- In person at your financial institution
- Telephone or online banking (allow 3-4 business days for processing)
- Online through the SNB Payment services (allow 3-4 business days for processing)
- By telephone or in person at City Hall
For commercial/industrial/institutional clients with metered accounts, the City’s water meter reader will make every effort to deliver invoices on the day of their monthly reading.
If you have any questions, need to confirm account details, or require assistance, please contact City Hall at (506) 548-0400.